Laca de Uñas. Bare My Soul - OPI



Laca de Uñas Bare My Soul de OPI. Disfruta cuidando de tus uñas..


  • Tono nude.
  • Uñas naturales.
  • Efecto gel.
  • Brillo increíble.
  • Duración de hasta 7 días.

Laca de Uñas Nude

Bare My Soul es una laca de uñas con efecto gel de tono nude que se amolda perfectamente a tu estilo de vida. Proporciona un brillo ideal a tus uñas. Su pincel está diseñado para cubrir toda la uña en dos únicas pinceladas sin dejar rayas.

¿Para qué sirve?

Dale un toque de brillo a tus uñas sin necesidad de aplicar un color muy agresivo. Un tono nude casi transparente.

¿Quién puede usarlo?

Apto para todo tipo de pieles.

¿Cómo debe aplicarse?

1. Aplica primero una capa de Base Coat OPI con las uñas previmanete limpias y la cutícula hacia atrás.

2. Aplica la primera capa de tu laca de uñas.

3. Aplica la segunda capa de tu laca de uñas.

4 . Aconsejamos aplicar Top Coat También al finalizar solo en la punta de las uñas para sellar el color.

5. Para conseguir secar las uñas de forma rápida usa Drip Dry de OPI

Formato y Tamaño

Laca d euñas tono nude de 15ml.

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Coming soon

What does your skin need?

Very soon you will be able to do an exercise of self-knowledge of your skin right here on our website, which will be followed by a report made by our consultants with a protocol designed just for you.


I always come back

"The speed in shipping is fantastic, they have a great variety of products and also, the surprise you get when you open the package and there is always a little detail. It's a great detail."

Sheila Molina

Don't change!!!

"I am very satisfied. Each box is like a gift, well protected and always with some sample to discover new products. Thank you."

Cristina Garcia

I am delighted

"I really like this store. They have products that in other places are difficult to find. The staff are experts in aesthetics and they gave me really good advice."

Ana Teresa

I will repeat for sure

"Quality service, with good offers and personalized attention. Fast shipping and no incidents. Free samples perfectly suited to my combination, sensitive and rosacea skin type."

Begoña Soto

I love the result

"I was looking for advice for my daily skincare routine. What I liked the most is the excellent kindness of the consultants and the result of the product they recommended."

Carmen Casany