Kit Maderoterapia Facial Profesional



Enjoy the most complete and effective kit for Maderotherapy, composed of 8 very necessary accessories to return its original beauty to the face. A set of incredible benefits and properties that struggle to combat sagging and signs of face aging. The solution to return to your face a light, young and firm skin. Are you professional? You can buy this product with a 20% discount if you register in our Professional area .

Facial timetherapy kit for professionals composed of:

  • Facial Swedish Cup
  • Mini facial reduction fungus
  • Facial bispherical mini roller
  • Facial smooth roller
  • Facial Striated Mini
  • Facial relief mini roller
  • Mini facial molding table
  • Bust & Facial dentada

Buy before 4 hours and 22 minutes and receive it between %(hours)s hours and %(minutes)s minutes. 3 of abril y 6 of abril

What is it for? What am I going to achieve with this product?

If you need a professional logotherapy kit for facial treatments, this is the one you were looking for to add all your cabin massages. Composed of 8 natural wood instruments that offer great benefits to your client.

  1. Swedish facial mini: eliminates toxins, helps activate circulation and take away the fat. Reaffirms and tones improving skin texture.
  2. MINI FACIAL REDUCING FUNGO: Reduce contour in volume and define it. It fights sagging in the gown area.
  3. Mini Facial Bispherical Roller: It helps to raise the eyelids and contour of the eyes and lips, reduces swelling and brings luminosity to the skin.
  4. Mini Facial Smooth Roller: Relax the facial muscles, alisa and softens the skin. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to rejuvenate the face.
  5. Facial striated mini: improves circulation and activates the lymphatic system. Reaffirms and tones, in addition to reducing the volume for a more defined complexion.
  6. Mini Roller Facial relief: prepares the skin, brings firmness and tones facial muscles. Returns softness and luminosity to the face.
  7. Mini Facial molding table: Perfect drainage and lift effect in a very short time.
  8. Bust & Facial dentada: It helps recover the elasticity of the skin, and thus reduces wrinkles and fights sagging. Relaxing effect on neck and shoulders.

For what type of client is it?

Special kit for professionals who perform massages and facial treatments of Maderotherapy.

What treatments can I do with this product?

With this facial timerrapy kit you can perform all kinds of rejuvenating treatments and that help recover the firmness, toning and natural hydration of the skin. Everything you need to offer beneficial massages for your client, with incredible results, thanks to the properties of wood therapy.

What cosmetics can I use in Maderotherapy?

You can apply all kinds of anti-aging cosmetics to perform facial massages, since its assets will penetrate more effectively in the skin. It also applies creams and reaffirmed and toning serums.

Format and size

  • 8 instruments
  • High quality wood
  • Made in Spain


Reviewed by the person in charge of Product Data Sheet, Ana López Rodríguez

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Coming soon

What does your skin need?

Very soon you will be able to do an exercise of self-knowledge of your skin right here on our website, which will be followed by a report made by our consultants with a protocol designed just for you.