C+C Vitamin. Self-Tan Drops - NATURA BISSE


Oil-free. Fluido autobronceador gradual



NEW! C+C vitamin self-tan drops of Natura Bissé It is a gradual autoncestor fluid. Its ultralight formula provides a natural and uniform tan without sunbathing. It allows you to achieve different tan intensities, so it adapts to different skin shades.

Tanned skin all year! If possible

  • 30 ml dropper
  • Fluid texture
  • Light formula.
  • Enriched with vitamin C.
  • Face, neck and neckline.
  • Oil Free
  • Apt for vegans.
  • Citric aroma

What is Vitamin C vitamin C fluid of Natura Bissé?

The new member of the line C+C vitamin of Natura Bissé It is a very light and free -free texture autonceador to provide our skin with a progressive and natural tan. It is ideal to apply on face, neck and neckline.

Its citrus aromas wraps our skin adapting to its hue. In addition, it is an autonncer suitable for vegans. More than 95% of its ingredients are of natural origin according to ISO 16128.

The use of self -oil free self of Natura Bissé It allows you to get more luminous and hydrated skin.

What is it for?

The combination of assets with which C+C vitamin self-tan drops free of Natura Bissé They will help us get:

  1. A long -lasting tan tone.
  2. Firmer and more flexible skin.
  3. More hydrated skin.

In its composition you will find:

  • Sunless Complex, a complex that combines l-erriter and vegetable DHA, which is obtained from the fermentation of vegetable ingredients such as wheat. This active complex is in charge of offering our skin a tan tone for a longer time.

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA): It is an active ingredient of natural origin that allows you to darken the skin temporarily. Melanoid form, toasted polymers, in the surface layer of the skin (the corneum stratum) achieving a long -term tan tone that vanishes with the natural exfoliation process of the skin. If the application is repeated every 2-3 days, the intensity of the tan is maintained.

L-erriter: This natural ingredient is found in plants such as beets. Work in synergy with the DHA to form melanoids and provide a tan tone, durable and uniform.

  • Vitamin E, to improve hydration and provide an antioxidant effect to our skin. It helps us reduce the damage caused by free radicals, by increasing the natural protection of the skin against different external aggressors. Minimizes the appearance of aging signs. This vitamin also helps increase hydration and improves the tone and texture of the skin.
  • Stabilized ascorbic acid, as powerful antioxidant for firmer and more flexible skin. With stability superior to pure vitamin, this active ingredient improves the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, thus preventing wrinkles formation and improving the flexibility and firmness of the skin. In addition, it helps improve skin tone and blur cutaneous spots.
  • Promelanine complex, derived from organic silicon to activate and maintain our tan for a longer time, while activating and improving the firmness of our skin, since it stimulates the production, density and organization of the fibers that form the collagen network.

About C+C vitamin Self Tan Dropps you also need to know:

  • Its gradual effect allows you to adjust the intensity of the tan, thus adapting to different skin tones.
  • It provides an antioxidant action that allows the skin to be protected in a biological way against solar radiation.
  • The skin is softer, flexible, bright and with a flattering satin finish.
  • Its silky and light texture allows easy application to achieve a uniform tone, free of spots and without fatty residue.
  • You can use it on face, neck and neckline.
  • Its pleasant citrus aroma envelops you in a well -being environment.
  • Oil Free, oil free, so it is an autonceador suitable even for fatty skin.
  • It does not transfer to clothing or protective masks.

Who can use it?

The gradual autonncever fluid, C+C vitamin self-tan drops Natura Bissé, It is indicated for all skin types, its Oil-Free formula allows mixed and fat skin to also apply it.

It is ideal for using it throughout the year to maintain the color of our skin and a more unified tone. To get a luminous, soft and radiant complexion all year.

Is especially aimed at:

  • People who want to wear a tan, uniform and natural tone without sun exposure.
  • People who want to retain the tan throughout the year.
  • People looking for a natural luminosity finish and satin on the skin.

How should I apply it?

The application protocol would be:

  1. Apply to clean and well hydrated skin to facilitate the application of the self -concentrating fluid, extending the product on face, neck and neckline with soft massages. Do not forget to distribute it well in the root of the hair, the ears and the neck.
  2. In the first application, we will use it at night.
  3. After the first use, we can apply C+C vitamin Self-Tan Dropps in the morning.
  4. To intensify or prolong the tone, we can repeat the application every 2-4 days, taking into account that the tan has a gradual effect.


According to the skin type and the intensity of tan desired:

  • In clear skins they will apply 4 to 6 drops.
  • In brunette skin they will apply 6 to 8 drops.

The application will be made on face, neck and neckline.

You can also take into account about the application of Natura Bissé's autobronncever fluid:

  • Before the first application, it is advisable to exfoliate the skin to achieve a more uniform finish and a more durable effect.
  • If you have clear hair, protect your eyebrows and hair root with an extra moisturizer layer.
  • If you have dark spots, remove the product on them with a cotton stick.
  • Its use is advised with products of the oxygen line of Natura Bissé.

Format and size:

30 ml dropper.


Reviewed by the person in charge of Product Data Sheet, Ana López Rodríguez

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Coming soon

What does your skin need?

Very soon you will be able to do an exercise of self-knowledge of your skin right here on our website, which will be followed by a report made by our consultants with a protocol designed just for you.


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