Aceite de Hipérico BIO - MON DECONATUR



Aceite de Hipérico Bio de primerapresión en frío. Con efectos calmantes.

  • Bote de 60ml.
  • Con hipérico.
  • Ingesta.

Aceite BIOHIPÉRICO de cultivo biológico certificado. El aceite de Hipérico, se obtiene por maceración en aceite de oliva biológico de primera presión en frío, de las hojas de la planta fresca de la Hierba de San Juan.

El término “Hipericum Perforatum” procede del griego hiper (sobre) y eikon (imagen). Para los griegos, sus propiedades estaban sobre lo imaginable.

Uso externo: Es muy útil en casos de dolor, por sus efectos calmantes, ayuda a combatir el estres a nivel epidermico, dilatando las terminaciones nerviosas, y para la regeneración de golpes y hematomas. Aplicar directamente o en compresas frías.Uso interno: Se puede tomar una cucharadita de cafe al día.

No mezclar su ingesta con otros antidepresivos de síntesis.


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Coming soon

What does your skin need?

Very soon you will be able to do an exercise of self-knowledge of your skin right here on our website, which will be followed by a report made by our consultants with a protocol designed just for you.


I always come back

"The speed in shipping is fantastic, they have a great variety of products and also, the surprise you get when you open the package and there is always a little detail. It's a great detail."

Sheila Molina

Don't change!!!

"I am very satisfied. Each box is like a gift, well protected and always with some sample to discover new products. Thank you."

Cristina Garcia

I am delighted

"I really like this store. They have products that in other places are difficult to find. The staff are experts in aesthetics and they gave me really good advice."

Ana Teresa

I will repeat for sure

"Quality service, with good offers and personalized attention. Fast shipping and no incidents. Free samples perfectly suited to my combination, sensitive and rosacea skin type."

Begoña Soto

I love the result

"I was looking for advice for my daily skincare routine. What I liked the most is the excellent kindness of the consultants and the result of the product they recommended."

Carmen Casany