Accesorios. MassRoller Body Sculptor - Massada




Massroller Body sculptor Massada It is an ideal accessory to continue your anti -cellulite treatment at home.


  • Massage with 3 intensities.
  • Daily use.
  • Anti -cellulite
  • Eliminate orange skin.
  • It acts on the localized fat.

Anti -cellulite massage

Massroller Body sculptor Massada It is a body massage that acts effectively on cellulite, orange skin and on localized fat. Providing visibly firmer and smoother skin. It combines a system of LED lights with radiofrequency, EMS (muscle electrostimulation) and vibration to activate circulation and restore skin tone and elasticity. Redefine the silhouette. It has 2 modes of use and 3 levels of intensity.

What is it for?

Its main function is to eliminate cellulite and accumulated fat. You choose the level you want.

Types of use and action:

  • Radiofrequency (RF): 530 KZ stimulates and accelerates the production of collagen and reorganizes muscle fibers helping to model and refer tissue.
  • Red LED mode (wavelength of 620 - 630 Nm): Stimulates the production of collagen fibers and has anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Vibration: Stimulates the skin at the nervous level improving the mobilization and stagnation of toxins and liquids, and enhancing its elimination. It improves muscle tiredness and provides relaxation and oxygenation.
  • Muscle electrostimulation (EMS): These are microcurrents that send high and low oscillating pulses, which are captured by nerves. The latter send the information to the muscle fibers that contract the tensor and reaffirming effect of the skin, giving it better appearance and revitalizing it.
  • Blue LED mode (wavelength of 465 - 470 Nm): generates a bio -stimulation process that increases the natural mechanisms of tissue repair achieving an improvement in the appearance of the skin. It helps tighten and oxygenate.
  • Vibration: Stimulates the skin at the nervous level improving the mobilization and stagnation of toxins and liquids, and enhancing its elimination. It improves muscle tiredness and provides relaxation and oxygenation.

Masroller modes and action:

  • Red LED mode with radiofrequency: Red LED light (with a wavelength of 620 - 630 nm) increases the effectiveness of radiofrequency (with a frequency of 500khz) that activates the proliferation of fibroblasts and stimulates the renewal of collagen fibers . Applied for 5 minutes, the skin reaffirms and regenerates in depth, improving its appearance and smoothness.
  • Blue LED mode with electrostimulation: Blue LED light (with a wavelength of 465 - 470 Nm) intensifies the action of electro stimulation technology. In this way, circulation is stimulated and the oxygenation of the tissue increases. In just 5 minutes, it improves the firmness and tone of the skin, improving its elasticity and molding the silhouette.

Who can use it?

  • Soft cellulite: first performs a previous exfoliation with granulated exfoliating salts. The recommended product of Massada It is the algae reducing extract. The Massroller mode indicated is: EMS + Blue LED light + Vibration in intensity 1/2.
  • Hard cellulite: first exfolia the body with exfoliating salts. The recommended product of Massada It is the coffee therapy extract. The mode of the Massroller indicated is: RF + Red LED Light + Vibration in intensity 2/3.
  • Located fat: first exfolia the body with a body peel. The recommended product of Massada It is the coffee therapy extract or cellulite gel of coffee therapy. The Massroller mode indicated is: RF + Red LED Light + Vibration in intensity 3.
  • Reaffirmed: first exfolia the body with a bodily peel. The recommended product of Massada It is the coffee therapy extract or cellulite gel of coffee therapy. The Massroller mode indicated is: EMS + Blue LED light + Vibration in intensity 3.
  • Tired legs/ fluid retention: first exfolia the body with a body peel. The recommended product of Massada It is thyme oil/rosemary oil. The Massroller mode indicated is: EMS + Blue LED light + Vibration in intensity 1/2.

How should it be applied?

Once a week we recommend you take some time for you and be able to perform the complete treatment:

1. Exfolia the skin prior to body treatment. With this step, we ensure the activation of the fabric at blood and lymphatic level. In this way, it improves both the oxygen and nutrient contribution, and the elimination of toxins. Also, the skin is clean and prepared for the next step.

2. On clean and dry skin applies the body product that best suits your skin needs. Massada It has natural bodies that combine perfectly with the accessory. The active principles of products Massada They penetrate more deeply when combined with the action of Massroller Body Sculptor.

3. Use the treatment that fits the most with the needs of your body. At the end of the accessory to keep it in good condition for much longer.

*To keep the accessory in good condition, we advise using the products Massada which are described in the section who can use it?

Format and size

Massage with 3 levels of intensity.


Reviewed by the person in charge of Product Data Sheet, Ana López Rodríguez

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Coming soon

What does your skin need?

Very soon you will be able to do an exercise of self-knowledge of your skin right here on our website, which will be followed by a report made by our consultants with a protocol designed just for you.


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